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Why It's important to Dig Again

Juliana Gardiner

Dig Again

by Juliana Gardiner


My husband recently preached a sermon entitled Dig Again, referencing Isaac’s well in Genesis 26. Water was a precious commodity in that arid region. Isaac’s father, Abraham, had dug out several wells. But the Philistines destroyed them after Abraham died by filling them with dirt.


So, Isaac purposed to dig again.


The first two wells they restored were claimed by herdsmen from another tribe. So, Isaac moved away from that area, dug a new well, and called it Rehoboth, explaining, “At last the Lord has made room for us, and we will be fruitful in the land” (Genesis 26:22 NASB).

Reflecting on this message, my mind was drawn to how many times I have stopped digging, either because of failure, opposition, exhaustion, etc. Then I remembered the same kind of thing that happened to Peter, James, and John after fishing all night but catching nothing. They had given up and were back on shore when Jesus came and asked them to cast their net one more time into the deep. Peter probably inwardly rolled his eyes at the request, but answered, “We have worked hard all night and have caught nothing, but I will do as you say and let down the nets” (Luke 5:5 NASB). Their nets were filled with such a great number of fish that they had to call their partners to come and help them get the load to shore.

Like in both narratives, we can get discouraged when our efforts fail to achieve success. I can easily remember times when I felt so ashamed about my failure that I thought I would never try that thing again. Thoughts filled my head like “Maybe you are not meant for this,” or “Maybe you are not good enough,” or “Leave it for those who are more qualified than me.”


So, in my discouragement, I stopped digging.


But like the ordinary men we see in those narratives, we can look past our limitations and dig again or cast out our net back into the deep. Peter said, “I will do as you say.” There comes a time when our actions must be not in our power or might but in the strength and power that God gives. In the process, we learn that we cannot do the thing in our strength. The only alternative is to trust that the Lord is sailing in the boat with us and will see us through. No matter how many times we must dig, we will try again and again until God gives us our fruitful Rehoboth.


Upon seeing the power of God, Peter “fell at Jesus’ knees, saying, ‘Go away from me, Lord, for I am a sinful man!’ For amazement had seized him and all his companions because of the catch of fish which they had taken” (Luke 5:8-9 NASB). Witnessing God’s miraculous work changed their lives. Luke tells us they left everything and followed Him.


Answering God’s call can be frustrating at times, but let us remember that He will not leave nor forsake us. If we can trust Him to go again in his name, our victory surely lies ahead. We will be fruitful in the land. And witnessing the power of God at work will transform us. I think about the many things the Lord has put in my heart to do but because of fear, failure, or defeat, I think it is impossible to do them. But looking at what the Word of God teaches, I will try again. Will you join me in trusting the God of the impossible?





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